CUMaS MNight 2015

10955244_10203781670397401_3419200150524908186_nOne year after crashing St John’s Mayball, this year ‘Effortless?’ seeks to explore the life of a young Malaysian living abroad for the first time in his life. The expectations and ideals he holds in his heart quickly get muddled by a heady mix of conflicting egos, a demanding academic pursuit and the promise of love. He is constantly reminded that standing on his own two feet in this town of towering intellectuals and daunting spires is sometimes the hardest thing to do. The play charts the metamorphosis of one man as he faces the challenges of adjusting to life in a new and unfamiliar place while attempting to maintain his integrity and character. Being made the master of his own fate for the first time in his life, how will he handle it?

We welcome you to join us in the play on the 7th of March and we endeavour to entertain you and perhaps remind us all of our own humanity 🙂

Grab your ticket here! And we hope to see you in Cambridge 😉