CUMaS is a non-profit organization that serves as a platform to unite Malaysians while promoting Malaysian culture and traditions. CUMaS provides a social platform for members to interact and participate in various activities and events tailored for the welfare of its members and to promote Malaysian culture. It also serves as a platform to unite Malaysians who are scattered over the many colleges of the university. CUMaS provides a place where members are free to express themselves in a familiar setting whilst in a foreign country.

About Us
CUMaS is run by a dedicated student committee, and funded by generous sponsors. We are always open to any feedback, so do give us a shout if you have any questions or comments!

Prospective Students
We know that applying to one of the greatest universities in the world may seem daunting—we were in your shoes once. But fear not: the Cambridge University Malaysia Society (CUMaS) will try our best to help. Below, we’ve provided some general advice which we hope you’ll find useful.

Incoming Freshers
Congratulations, and welcome! Do join the Freshers Group and meet other offer-holders and get in touch with seniors. Everyone is super friendly! Not long after A-Level results are released, we will be having our Freshers Camp so do keep an eye on that!