1. Spy Missions (CUMaS)
2. Film Night (in collaboration with Teach for Malaysia) – Tomorrow
3. Wake Up Call Malaysia
4. McKinsey & Co. Insight Programme
5. Cambridge Union Diversity Discussion Group

1. Spy Missions (CUMaS)

Ethan Hunt may be chasing Russian launch codes in Dubai, but you’ll be stopping American right-wing terrorists from nuking Tehran! Join CUMaS as we participate in a fun and exciting live-action squad-based special-opstactical naval infiltration mission puzzle simulator!

Missions come in Easy and Medium difficulty, but do you dare ask for Hard?

Sign up at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dExoMkJ4bWFvZlFWNkI2SWRpRElTLUE6MQ

Facebook group over here: https://www.facebook.com/events/292839827438411/

Date: 26 Feb 2011 (Sun)
Time: 4.00-6.30pm
Venue: Spy Missions, Cambridge (Just past Girton!)
Transport is included.
Price : £7 CUMaS, £10 CUMSA, £13 non-members (Pay at the door)

2. Film Night (in collaboration with Teach for Malaysia)

Nothing planned for this Saturday evening? Come for an informal screening of “Freedom Writers”! The 2007 movie starring Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey, is based on a true story portraying a teacher’s perseverance and determination in educating her high school class of violent, racist, problematic youths (think Mat Rempits, Ah Bengs, Machas… well you get the idea.) Check out the trailer here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY-KYKyFXCM&feature=related 

Date : 4 February 2012, Saturday
Time : 8pm
Venue : Andrew Room, Sidney Sussex College.
Admission : Free!

We (Yvonne Lim and Amanda Chong), will be there in our capacity as Campus Reps for Teach for Malaysia (without compromising on our usual weird personalities of course) for you to bug. From what is Teach for Malaysia to how to apply for a Fellowship, we’re at hand in the event that you entertain thoughts of wanting to be part of this exciting movement geared towards addressing education inequality back home in Malaysia. You are also welcome to bring your own snacks (no hot food please!) and share it with the both of us. We will be very glad, in fact! (There’s a reason why we picked Sidney Sussex, thank you Sainsbury’s.)

For those interested in applying for a Fellowship with Teach for Malaysia or just plain curious about what all this is about, log on to www.teachformalaysia.org for more details. Closing date for Fellowship applications is on 13th February 2012.

Education is one of the main tools to address the various social issues we face today. So come along and join us! Watch, understand, be inspired.

P/S : No ceramah, we promise! Just come and watch the film, really.

3. Wake Up Call Malaysia

Greetings to Cambridge University Malaysia Society (CUMaS)!

My name is Siti Nurul Shahira binti Mohd Fauzi, from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I am in need of support for an exciting project called Wake Up Call Malaysia to fight the brain drain issue. I am writing this email to CUMaS to seek your support to our project. We need to engage with 1,000 youths studying abroad to hear your voice on this brain drain issue. We’d appreciate if you can help us send our survey link to your fellow members. 

Wake Up Call Malaysia is part of the Wake Up Call global movement for change, which is centred around one main day of action – 21.2.12. You may seek more information at http://ourwakeupcall.org/ Wake Up Call Malaysia is an initiative by the youth to help our country battle brain drain. We all know how serious this issue to Malaysia and the actual scenario happening overseas. So I will go straight to what we can do to help our country better the situation and show our government the collective power of the youth. 

For us to better understand the root of the problem, one immediate thing we can do is to seek the Diaspora’s/overseas scholar’s input on how Malaysia can make a leap forward in embracing the globalization of talent and turning brain drain to its favour. We hope to understand scholars/Diaspora’s idea, what make them not coming back to our country, what would make them come back, how we can change the situation, etc. We now work on engaging as many overseas Malaysian associations as possible to help send our survey to collect the scholars’ input. Once we have the input from the source, we will then come up with necessary recommendations to improve the brain drain situation. We will compile our findings in a report and present it to related government ministries and authorities, e.g. Talent Corporation Malaysia, Public Service Department (JPA), PEMANDU, Prime Minister’s Office, etc. on February 21, 2012.

We aim to reach out to at least 1,000 youth abroad. We wish to have the help from CUMaS to send our survey link to your members or any Malaysia Diaspora that you may associate with in Cambridge.  Your support to our project is one of our critical success factors. If CUMaS is able to reach out to 200 of your members, that would be very significant to us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. On behalf of the Wake Up Call Malaysia team, I would like to express our profuse gratitude to CUMaS for your possible assistance! Thank you in advance! We welcome any idea from you!

Wake Up Call Malaysia Marketing Director,    

Siti Nurul Shahira binti Mohd Fauzi


4. McKinsey & Co. Insight Programme

Dear all,

We would like to invite outstanding PhD students, Post-Docs and Scholars graduating in 2012, 2013 or 2014 to apply to attend a 3-day programme in Austria from 12 – 14 April 2012. If you are interested in a career in management consulting and have a proven record of outstanding leadership, personal initiative and achievement this is a great opportunity to find out more.

About McKinsey & Company

McKinsey & Company is a place where you can serve leading clients, develop your talent and be part of a team that generates high-calibre ideas.  It is also one of the few places where you can have immediate and direct contact with some of the world’s top CEOs and public leaders and where you are encouraged to give your opinion.  We pride ourselves on creating an environment that is able to attract, develop, excite and retain exceptional people.

As one of the world’s leading management consultancies, our goal is to provide distinctive and long-lasting performance improvements to our clients, who range from governments and multinationals to charities and entrepreneurial firms.  Our work cuts across every business sector – from multimedia to energy, banking to retail, e-commerce to healthcare. We currently have over 90 offices operating in over 50 countries.

The Insight Programme

The Insight programme offers a unique opportunity to learn about different techniques for solving problems and an insight into the day-to-day life of a consultant.  The 3-day programme offers you the chance to meet consultants with diverse backgrounds from McKinsey’s world-wide offices and work together in teams to solve a typical McKinsey case.  You also have the opportunity to ask all your questions in a  relaxed and informal atmosphere and to evaluate whether this is a career option for you.

To find out more & to apply  

The application deadline is Friday 17 February 2012 , you will need to complete a short online form and attach a CV. We will be inviting short-listed applicants to take the McKinsey problem solving test and will  be in touch on Monday 12 March 2012 to let you know whether you have been successful in securing a place on the programme. Please visit our Insight Programme website for further information and to apply: 


We hope this opportunity appeals to you and look forward to hearing from you! 

Kind regards, 

Natalie Hildon 
Recruitment Manager 
McKinsey & Company

5. Cambridge Union Diversity Discussion Group

The Cambridge Union Society would like to invite you to its inaugural Diversity discussion group:

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We would like to initiate an informal dialogue around this topic, asking:

Why it is pertinent to the Union, and what kind of action the Union should take as a result? 

Do you think the Union is prioritising issues of social equality? Does this matter to you?

 Does the Union represent the thoughts and needs of the University as a whole? 
Whatever you think, make your thoughts heard.

The event will be held in the Dining Room at the Cambridge Union Society, Monday 13th February, 7pm. Members and non-members are most welcome. Sandwiches and snacks provided. For more info., contact Joanna Mobed jm820@cam.ac.uk.

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